Welcome to Minesweeper!
Test your deduction skills in this classic puzzle game with a modern twist! Can you clear the field without triggering any mines?
Game Features:
- 🎯 Multiple difficulty levels
- ⏱️ Time-based scoring
- 🎵 Sound effects
- 🏆 Achievement system
🎮 How to Play:
- 👆 Left-click to reveal a tile
- 🚩 Right-click to place a flag
- 🔢 Numbers show nearby mines
- 🎯 Clear all safe tiles to win!
💫 Difficulty Levels:
- 🌱 Easy: 9x9 grid, 10 mines
- 🌿 Medium: 16x16 grid, 40 mines
- 🌳 Expert: 16x30 grid, 99 mines
- ⭐ First click is always safe!
💡 Pro Tips:
- 🤔 Look for patterns in the numbers
- 🚩 Use flags to mark suspected mines
- ⚡ Clear corners and edges first
- 🎯 When in doubt, play it safe!