Welcome to Hangman!
Test your vocabulary and problem-solving skills in this classic word-guessing game!
Game Features:
- 🎯 Multiple word categories
- 💡 Helpful hints system
- 🎵 Sound effects
- 🏆 Win streak tracking
🎮 How to Play:
- 1️⃣ Choose letters to guess the word
- 2️⃣ Correct guesses reveal letters
- 3️⃣ Wrong guesses build the hangman
- 4️⃣ Use hints when stuck (costs a guess)
💫 Tips:
- 🔤 Start with common vowels (A, E, I, O, U)
- 📊 Look for common consonants (R, S, T, N)
- 🧩 Watch for patterns (-ING, -TION)
- 💭 Use the category as a clue!